Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tea is always in style!

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Welcome to the beautiful world of tea.Enjoy!

Blooming tea is delicious art and healthy beverage for every age and family. Each creation can take from one to ten minutes to sew together. The teas are shaped by hand and formed into a tight ball to dry. They are carefully tied bundles of tea leaves with flowers opening up from the center into an artistic display after immersion in hot water. Flowers like chrysanthemum, jasmine, carnation, marigold or calendula. The names match the delicate beauty also called “Flowering Tea”. These teas are given romantic names like Heart of Love for a red bloom tea, and Falling Water or Let It Snow for a white bloom tea.


Wonderfully jasmine fragrant pearls are soothing to drink and magical to watch as they slowly unfurl into beautiful leaf and bud sets. Smooth green tea from China, Jasmine Pearl green tea is made from the finest tips of tender young buds, gently steamed after plucking, and hand-rolled into elegant pearls.

Luxury Black Tea blended with one of natures most exotic fruits - namely the peach! The result is a delightful and unique taste! The peach is a symbol of truth and purported to have great healing attributes. Try it iced or hot and become a believer!

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